Band parade cheered up Sunday morning

The greeting to the Authorities is a traditional and mandatory moment in the programming of Senhor de Matosinhos, always taking place on the main Sunday of the festivities, the day of the Solemn Procession.
This morning the tradition is back to what it used to be. The Band of Matosinhos-Liça, the Philharmonic Band of Santo António de Piães, the Fanfare of the Volunteer Firefighters of Leixões, the Fanfare of the Volunteer Firefighters of S. Mamede de Infesta and the Fanfare of the Volunteer Firefighters of Matosinhos-Liça paraded presenting their greetings to the authorities next to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Matosinhos.
The Mayor, Luísa Salgueiro, the Councilor for Culture and President of Ancima, Fernando Rocha, and the Ombudsman of Santa Casa, Luís Branco, among other entities, were present.