Humanitarian Association of Voluntary Firefighters of Leça do Balio

On Saturday, March 25th, took place the inauguration of the social bodies for the triennium 2023/2025, of the Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Leça do Balio.
Marked presence the Councillor for Civil Protection, Marta Pontes, the President of the Parish Union of Custóias, Leça do Balio and Guifões, Pedro Gonçalves, and the President of the Parish Union of Senhora da Hora and S. Mamede de Infesta, Leonardo Fernandes.
José Leirós continues to preside the General Assembly and Joaquim Paulo Silva continues in the Board of Directors, moving forward for the third mandate.
In her speech, Marta Pontes stressed the role that the Association and its Fire Department had in the community highlighting the last three years, in a very demanding period with complex challenges with the pandemic crisis, where these men and women had a key role in supporting refugees from the war in Ukraine and the support they provide to the community daily.
He also focused on the new challenges for the next mandate such as sustainability, the growth of the Leça River project or the large scale urban development projects that are planned for Leça do Balio.
He ended by congratulating the greater presence of women in the governing bodies of this association and wishing all the best for this triennium.