Winners will be known on Thursday, October 27th

The second edition of the BluAct contest, promoted by the Matosinhos City Hall, is coming to an end.
Next Thursday the three business projects with the best score awarded by the jury will be known.
Consisting of representatives from the Municipality of Matosinhos, UPTEC and Indaqua, the jury evaluated the projects, taking as criteria innovation or technological potential, business potential, speed to market or existence of MVP - Minimum Viable Product, sustainability and potential environmental impact, the potential for job creation and impact on the community, and the skills and complementarity of the team.
The prizes awarded to the finalists include incubation at UPTEC Polo do Mar for one year, access to the business acceleration program supported and promoted by UPTEC and membership of Fórum Oceano - Associação da Economia do Mar, with the exemption of membership fees for the first two years if they are established as a company.
The business project that demonstrates greater feasibility from the point of view of sustainability and environmental quality will also be awarded the BluEco Award by Indaqua-Matosinhos, with a maximum monetary value of five thousand euros.
BluAct is a program to support the growth of the economy of the sea, which aims to support innovative business ideas, especially intensive in knowledge and technology, and to promote the creation of skilled jobs, boosting the economy of the municipality of Matosinhos.
BluAct was born from the European URBACT network and the good practices associated with the creation of start-ups in the sea economy vector, involving seven European port cities: Matosinhos (Portugal), Piraeus (Greece), Burgas (Bulgaria), Mataro (Spain), Ostend (Belgium), Galati (Romania) and Salerno (Italy).
In the session, the four projects that were in competition will be presented, the "Fykia Biotech", the "ISS - Inclita Seaweed Solutions Lda", the "Filtercork" and, finally, the "Windcredible".
For the mayor of the Municipality of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, "this second edition proves that society increasingly overvalues good environmental practices and that we are on the right path towards a more sustainable future for future generations.