The Matosinhos City Hall classified as monument or set of municipal interest four spaces including the former Fábrica de Tecidos de Seda, where currently operates the Centro Empresarial da Lionesa, according to publications this Friday, October 21, in Diário da República (DR)

In addition to the old factory located in Leça do Balio, were this Friday, October 21, also confirmed the classifications of the Palacete do Godinho, located on Avenida D. Afonso Henriques, the House of Eduardo de Sousa Guimarães, both located in the center of this municipality in the district of Porto, as well as the Casa de Moleiro, a farmhouse located in Angeiras de Cima, in the parish of Lavra.
About the former Lionesa Silk Fabrics Factory, which was classified as a set of municipal interest, is described in documentation from the municipality published on its official 'site', that "the importance of the company in the history of industrial activity in the country is relevant.
"This industrial complex is part of a process of building the identity of Leça do Balio, and is also to value within a cultural context its recent process of transformation and reuse," reads the documentation signed by the Commission of Architectural and Historical Heritage of Matosinhos.
The commission also recalls that this factory is located in a place of historical interest, given its proximity to the Monastery of Leça do Balio, a place where "kings and queens, clerics and pilgrims were hosted until 1834".
The former Silk Factory is occupied, since 2002, by the Centro Empresarial da Lionesa, which brings together hundreds of companies in services, commerce, leisure and technology.
In parallel, this Friday was also published in DR the classification as a monument of municipal interest of the Palacete de Godinho, a classification that aims "recognition of the relevant interest of this property in the history of the construction of the city of Matosinhos, in the multiple dimensions of its identity, and in its contiguous relations, close and distant.
"It has a value as a testimony of social construction and, at the same time, as a structuring element of the morphology of the city, inseparable from the layout of the Rua do Godinho," reads the rationale.
The classification includes the attached pavilions and gardens, the walls that flank the building, gates and exterior staircases.
As for the Casa do Moleiro, located between the streets 3 de Maio and Cruz, in Lavra, the basis of the classification is the fact that this is "a beautiful example" of a farmhouse, with the characteristics of this type of house, very common in a vast coastal region between the Douro and Ave, called the Lands of Maia.
In the reasons for this classification, the municipality stresses the goal of encouraging the preservation of the remaining farmhouses that make up the Lugar de Angeiras de Cima, and some of these have already suffered "careless" interventions, but still reversible, which resulted in decharacterization of greater or lesser relevance.
Added to this is the classification of the House of Eduardo de Sousa Guimarães, a house of "eclectic design", as stated in the description of the Commission of Architectural and Historical Heritage of Matosinhos, whose "importance to Matosinhos comes from the erudition of its origin that distinguishes it from its contemporary Brazilian houses, the palaces and stately houses with their stonework, in which heritage value is recognized, but which do not have the same cultural dimension as a work of architecture.
This house is located on Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque, in Matosinhos.