The show, produced by AM Live in exclusive partnership with MAR Shopping Matosinhos, will be on stage until January 8, 2023. New script, new scenery, new light design - "The Wizard of Oz on Ice", a twist on the original story, is a show with music, dance, theatre, ice skating, technology and moments of illusionism and magic
"The Wizard of Oz on Ice", which premiered this Saturday, November 26 (preview on the 25th), remaining on stage until January 8, 2023, is presented in the AM Arena, outside MAR Shopping Matosinhos, as a great original musical production, like what is done in Broadway and Disney, which combines theatre, dance and original music, on a stage of natural ice, with a young and modern approach and the best technologies in the scenic area, from projection to "flights" of characters. An immersive and sensorial experience, where the audience is invited, in an environment full of strong and striking emotions, to believe that the magic we seek is in each one of us.
When more than 65,000 spectators are already guaranteed to watch "The Wizard of Oz on Ice", which features Miguel Cristovinho, from D.A.M.A., and Rita Redshoes as headliners, the show debuts at MAR Shopping Matosinhos with a scenario in which technology predominates, using projection, complemented with digital content inspired by social networks such as Instagram, TikTok and Snapshat.
The show also displays a light design, using state-of-the-art equipment and different forms of lighting, and special visual effects that will allow a more immersive approach to the show. According to AM Live, "The Wizard of Oz on Ice" will be one of the most complete musical productions ever in the country, with music, dance, theatre, ice skating and illusionism moments, coordinated by elements of the Porto School of Magic.
A young girl lands in Oz in a very unconventional way and embarks on an exciting adventure full of surprises to reach the presence of the mysterious Wizard. A glamorous musical on ice, with a brainless scarecrow, a lion with a lack of confidence, a highly romantic tin man and two witches who, although one is good and the other bad, have more in common than you might think. In this hilarious epic about friendship, we will discover the importance of self-love, because the magic we seek is in each one of us.
With text by Mafalda Santos, actress, director and scriptwriter, and coauthor (with Nuno Markl) of "Alice and Wonderland on Ice", one of the biggest successes presented by AM Live and MAR Shopping Matosinhos, "The Wizard of Oz on Ice" has original music by Artur Guimarães, the artistic direction and staging by João A. Guimarães and choreography by Joana Quelhas. The project management is signed by Bruno Galvão.
Miguel Cristovinho, from D.A.M.A., and Rita Redshoes make their acting debut and soon with a challenge that includes music, acting, dance and ice skating. The two artists will give life to the characters Wizard of Oz and Glinda, respectively, leading a cast with proven experience in musical theatre.
The cast also includes several artists - among actors, singers and skaters - with great experience in musical theatre, among them Nuno Martins, Inês Ramos, Sofia Santos Silva, Filipa Saavedra, Ricardo Ferreira, Luís Duarte Moreira, Tiago Garrinhas or the internationally awarded skaters Filipe Galego and Diogo Craveiro.
For more information on technical details, dates and times of sessions and ticketing, please visit the show's website. Tickets will be on sale at the official website, Ticketline and usual places, and at the box office inside MAR Shopping Matosinhos.
"The Wizard of Oz on Ice" is a show for the whole family, which will fill next Christmas with magic, dreams and contagious music. Come on, and follow with us, this incredible road of yellow bricks!