To welcome the winter, there are new seasonal workshops to take the little ones to discover the forest and animals. From 19 to 22 December, from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm, the City Park and Quinta do Covelo will promote free activities. Registration opens at 9pm on 30th November

"Discovering animals in winter" is the two-day workshop - 19/20 and 21/22 - in the Rural Nucleus of the City Park and is aimed at children aged 6 to 9. This activity will introduce the mouse Frederico and his family, who will help to discover how animals behave at this time of year. During the festive season of Christmas, the animals will also be the motto for building original decorations through plastic arts.
On the same dates, Quinta do Covelo will promote two sessions of the workshop for children, aged between 10 and 12, about the "Winter Forest". During two days, it will be possible to identify the transformations that occur in the landscape and in the behaviour of fauna and flora during this season, and also to build feeders that reinforce the feeding of native birds during the colder months.
Places are limited to 20 participants and registrations will be considered in order of entry, with priority to children with Porto Card. 50% of the capacity of the workshop.