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World figure skating champions

Athletes from Rolar Matosinhos sports association win in Argentina

Siblings Ana and Pedro Walgode were crowned figure skating world champions in Argentina last Sunday.

The Portuguese duo won in the categories "style dance" and "freedance" at the World Skate Games 2022, in Buenos Aires, winning the third medal for Portugal in the competition. It is the first time that Portugal achieves first place in a world championship in senior dance pairs.

It should be remembered that, already this year, Ana and Pedro Walgode, athletes from the Rolar Matosinhos sports association, were national, European and World Games champions (which took place in July in the United States of America).

The Municipality of Matosinhos is proud of the excellent results achieved, once again, by the Rolar Matosinhos athletes, congratulating themselves for their contribution in the internationalization of Matosinhos and for the example they set for all Portuguese youngsters.

Already in 2017, Ana and Pedro Walgode received from the municipality a Vote of Commendation and the Medal of Sportsmanship for the titles won in the World Championships in Beijing, China.


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