About 30% of patients in the National Network for Continued Care are social cases, revealed today, January 12, the Executive Directorate of the National Health Service, according to which hospitals do not refer patients only when they fail the criteria

The Long Term Care Association has received dozens of complaints from people facing "obstacles" in hospitals to transfer a family member to the long term care network, which leads the association to question whether there is any internal guidance.
However, the assessment made by the Executive Directorate of the National Health Service (NHS) is that both hospitals and primary health care "are very attentive and diligent in referring users to the National Network for Continued Care," stressing that "not all patients have criteria for the network.
"A patient who exclusively needs social support is not a patient for the network," pointed out nurse Filomena Cardoso, of the Executive Directorate of the NHS, adding that patients who need "continuity of care, need health care but not in an acute hospital" go to the RNCC.