Green flag hoisted at the Estádio do Mar and Prof. Óscar Lopes schools

On March 1st, the educational community of Estádio do Mar Primary School and Professor Óscar Lopes School participated in the symbolic moment of hoisting the Green Flag 2021/2022 of the Eco-Schools Program.
The event was organized by the coordinating teachers of the Eco-Schools Program, with the collaboration of the Directorate of the grouping, and was attended by the councilor for the Environment, Manuela Alvares and the President of the Union of Matosinhos and Leça da Palmeira, Paulo Carvalho.
The ceremony began with the participation of all the students, teachers and operational assistants, who sang the Eco-Schools anthem, and at the end the Green Flag was hoisted. Next took place at Prof. Óscar Lopes School the inauguration of the Living Science Room. The Eco-Schools project is an international program of the "Foundation for Environmental Education", developed in Portugal since 1996 by ABAE (Blue Flag Association of Europe) and that aims to encourage actions and recognize the quality work developed by schools in the field of Environmental Education for Sustainability.
These two moments marked the result of the work that the students of these schools developed in the previous school year, with the aim of making the day-to-day life of the school and the community in which they are inserted more sustainable, with recognition of good environmental practices.