Members of Parliament approved this Thursday, an amendment to the Labor Code that provides that the mandatory parental leave of the father goes from the current 20 working days to 28 days consecutive or interspersed
"It is mandatory that fathers take 28 days of parental leave, consecutive or interspersed, in the 42 days following the birth of the child, five of which must be taken consecutively immediately after the birth," states the rule approved in the working group on labor changes provided in the Decent Work Agenda.
The approved Government proposal also provides that after 28 days of leave, the father is entitled to seven days of leave, consecutive or interspersed (instead of the current five working days), provided they are taken at the same time as the mother's initial parental leave.
"In case of hospitalization of the child during the period after childbirth," the father's compulsory leave "is suspended, at the father's request, for the duration of the hospitalization," states the proposal.
The government's proposal to change labor legislation, under the Decent Work Agenda, entered parliament in June, without the agreement of the Social Dialogue, and was approved in general terms on July 8 with the PS in favor, the PSD, Chega, BE, PAN and Livre abstaining, and the IL and PCP against.
The discussion on specifics began on November 29, and the new labor rules are scheduled to come into force in early 2023.