During the next seven days, the National Republican Guard (GNR) will be on the Portuguese roads with an operation to "raise awareness and carry out road checks

At stake is the operation "RoadPol - Safety Days", which started this Friday and runs until next day 23 September.
In a statement, this police force says it intends, with this action, "to raise awareness in society in general, the importance of adopting safer behavior by all road users".
The main goal is to promote "road safety and the safeguarding of human lives.
In the first eight months of the year, the GNR has already registered 50,462 accidents, and in 2021 it registered 69,220, he recalls.
It should be noted that Roadpol, of which the GNR is a member, is an organization that was established by the traffic police of Europe, with the purpose of improving road safety and law enforcement on the roads.
"These Europe-wide operations have as their main goal the creation of a safer road environment through a simultaneous intervention on the main causes of accidents, seeking in this way to positively influence drivers, leading them to adopt behaviors that favor safe driving over risky behaviors, such as speeding," adds the note released.