The objective of the initiative is, in 3 sessions, to establish a system for the effective updating of the Local Housing Strategy of Matosinhos, in close collaboration with various local entities

MatosinhosHabit and the City Council resumed, on May 5, the “Collaborative Workshops”.
The Local Housing Strategy for Matosinhos was recently amended, already approved by the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), resulting in an increase in the previously defined investment from 57.2 million euros to around 111.4 million euros.
The “Collaborative Route” takes place in 5 moments, two dedicated to the organization of information and three Collaborative Workshops, which will be attended by different local agents:
The next sessions of Collaborative Workshops will take place on May 16th and June 13th.
The municipality and MatosinhosHabit have the participation of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the Matosinhos Local Health Unit, the Center for Studies on Social Intervention (CESIS), student associations from three universities, various real estate sector, among other institutions.