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Sup. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technicians demonstrated outside the Pedro Hispano Hospital

At issue is the non-response of the Government and the actions of the Ministry of Health that have caused serious damage to workers

Yesterday, November 9, the Senior Technicians of Diagnosis and Therapy - TSDT, working at the Local Health Unit of Matosinhos, held a plenary/concentration in front of the Pedro Hispano Hospital, in Matosinhos. At stake is the non-response of the Government to the several requests of the STSS - National Syndicate of Technical Supervisors of Diagnosis and Therapy to solve the various issues that need a close look by the Ministry. It should be remembered that the actions of the Ministry of Health have caused serious harm to TSDT workers in various institutions, a serious example of this situation being the Matosinhos Local Health Unit, which anchored in FAQ's issued in January 2022 by the ACSS - Central Administration of the Health System, in the month of August, withdrew money from the workers without any legal basis.

As it has been warning the supervising entity, the trade union structure considers that there are decisions that need to be taken in order to avoid conflict and labour disputes, which it cannot prevent, in defence of the professionals it represents. "As regrettably and contrary to what we believed would happen, we received no response from the Government by 31st October, so we have no alternative but to advance with a series of struggle actions". At stake are, among other matters:

Remuneration updates and a medium-term agreement to improve incomes, wages and competitiveness where, apparently, special careers were forgotten, namely the career of Senior Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technicians who have entry level 15 in accordance with Decree-Law No. 25/2019. And that if this is not taken care of in a timely manner, in 2023 this special career of level 3 of Public Administration will have a minimum salary at entry level below the value for Senior Technicians of the General Regime in the Public Administration. This will create even more inequalities and injustices. The trade union structure considers it fundamental that the Government adopts a remuneration policy of parity and equity among all Senior Technicians who enter a public employment career, regardless of the contract and the Ministry to which they belong.

The proposed agreement of principles. The STSS had already requested, as a matter of urgency, at the beginning of September, an audience with the new Minister of Health, Manuel Pizarro, in order to once again present the proposed agreement of principles, already delivered to the previous Cabinet, so that negotiations could begin, with a view to regularising the career of Senior Technicians in Diagnosis and Therapy (TSDT), among other identified matters.In meetings held with the previous team from the Ministry of Health, in April, May and July, the STSS presented and identified all the issues to be resolved and negotiated regarding the career of these health professionals. The STSS was received in a hearing at the Health Commission on the current situation in the sector, on the 25th of October, where it had the opportunity to hand over a document where it presented, once again, all the matters and issues already repeatedly submitted to the Ministry of Health. But there has still been no response from the Ministry.

This action is part of a series of plenary meetings/concentrations outside Hospitals that will be held throughout the country. For the month of November, it is also planned to join the national strike of the Civil Service, scheduled for the 18th of November, by the Common Front, and a strike of overtime that should take place at the end of the month.


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