Two premature twins admitted to Pedro Hispano Hospital, in Matosinhos

They were the first to receive milk sent out by the Human Milk Bank of the North, created in September last year at the S. João Hospital, in Porto.
"For the first time, the milk collected at the Human Milk Bank of the North (BLHN) based at the University Hospital Center of São João (CHUSJ) began to be sent outside this hospital, thus fulfilling its goal of distributing human milk to all premature babies in the northern part of the country," the institution informs in a statement.
In this case, the first babies outside the CHUSJ to benefit from this donated milk are two premature twins admitted to Hospital Pedro Hispano, in Matosinhos. "As planned, other NHS hospitals are already prepared to receive milk from the BLHN, bringing the project to life in a synergistic network," the statement adds.