The urban arrangement planned for Boavista Avenue, in Porto, under the scope of the 'metrobus' project, delayed the start of this work, the president of Metro do Porto told Lusa today, who guaranteed the phasing of the work
When asked whether the urban arrangement proposed for Avenida da Boavista will be completely uniform, contrary to what currently happens, Tiago Braga said that the question was in response to the reason for the "delay" verified in the start of the construction work.
Previously, Lusa had questioned the president of Metro about the deadlines given as planned for the start of construction or the assembly of the building site for the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit, commonly known as 'metrobus'), which have already been July, August or October.
Tiago Braga said that such delay "is also" because of the urban arrangement for Avenida da Boavista, which is being designed by Metro do Porto designers "with the technicians of the City Council".
At stake is the BRT service, a hydrogen bus that will circulate on Avenida da Boavista (on a dedicated channel) and on Marechal Gomes da Costa (without a dedicated channel), connecting Casa da Música to Praça do Império and the Anémona roundabout (Matosinhos).
"From the point of view of [urbanistic] language, there is a clear intention to have uniformity along the entire profile of Avenida da Boavista," he assured.
Saying, now, that Metro's intention is to "start until the end of the year" with the construction work, Tiago Braga dismissed that the successive delays in the launch are "synonymous with incompetence" of those who are with the project.
"A project of this size requires a very significant set of interactions", with "a number of entities", and there is a "need to articulate some solutions in order to better respond to this relationship" of the new means of transport with the city.
About the works themselves, the responsible for Metro do Porto said that "there will be a constructive phasing".
"In one part of the avenue we will have to deviate networks. There are networks that today are placed in the centre of Avenida da Boavista and as the BRT, in terms of service, seeks to replicate the Metro model - frequency, regularity and punctuality - we don't want, whenever there is a malfunction in a valve of a water or gas branch, to cut the service to go touch it", he explained.
In terms of construction work, there will be a "partial mobilisation" in terms of zones, and Tiago Braga hopes that "no one's head has crossed" that the entire Avenida da Boavista, the Praça do Império, or the Praça Cidade de Salvador (Anémona) would be occupied.
"This has a phasing in which we are advancing in stages, so that the disruption to the functioning of the avenue is as small as possible, knowing that we will have to occupy it to make the intervention," he said.
The investment in the BRT is fully funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and reaches 66 million euros, excluding VAT.
The stations Casa da Música, Guerra Junqueiro, Bessa, Pinheiro Manso, Serralves, João de Barros and Império are planned in the first service, and in the section until Matosinhos Antunes Guimarães, Garcia de Orta, Nevogilde, Castelo do Queijo, and Praça Cidade do Salvador (Anémona) are added.