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Walk With A Doc

On Saturday, September 17, the start of a pilot program aimed at bringing health professionals and users out of the office on a health walk took place

The professionals of the units of the Health Center of Leça da Palmeira, doctors and nurses, called on their users to, on the third Saturday of each month, join together for a walk, through the movement Walk With A Doc. This way, it is intended that "outside the office, we promote a closer contact with the user. At the same time that we promote physical activity this is also a way to be in contact with our users and exchange ideas" as explained by our doctor, Ana Clara Moreira, from USF Progresso.

It is true that "physical activity is good for health, but if we add to exercising the body, keeping an active mind, and creating a space for socializing, we have the right ingredients for a healthier life," added our doctor, David Penas, from the Santa Cruz UCSP.

The walk started shyly, but it's already scheduled for next October 15th, at 10am, on the Leça da Palmeira waterfront. Take part!


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