Data from the INE (National Statistics Institute), within the scope of studies carried out using the 2021 Census, reveal that women live on average more years, but reach disability earlier than men

"A child born in 2019 had about 78 years to live, if a man, and 60.6 healthy years. Women had 83 and a half years at birth, but only 57.8 healthy years," exemplified Eduarda Góis, from INE, when clarifying the results.
The analysis of this data also allowed for the conclusion that women with disabilities are less likely to be active than men in the same condition.
According to the data presented, 10.9 per cent of the population aged five or more years old have at least one disability - a condition that mainly affects women. There are 164 women with a disability for every 100 men with this condition.
Inability to walk or climb steps is the most common and affects 6.1 per cent of the population aged five and over. This is followed by a range of 3.5% affected by impairment in seeing, while 3.4% of the population have impairment in cognition/memory, and 2.8% in hearing. 3% have "difficulty bathing or dressing without support" and 1.5% in understanding others or making themselves understood.
Mobility problems are the most penalising: "only 7.9% of disabled people were active and 7.1% were employed".
The majority of the population with this disability live in conventional dwellings (68.1%), and do not have equipment for people who use wheelchairs independently (without the support of another person).
Refer also that "the disability in seeing is the one that affects relatively less the employment of people with disability (20.0% were active and 17.5% were employed at the date of the 2021 Census)," according to the study.