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Clarification about mother and son staying overnight in a tent at Matosinhos beach

The situation of the family that is living in a tent on the Matosinhos beach has been monitored since September by the services of ADEIMA - Association for the Integrated Development of Matosinhos and, since then, receives food and hygiene support at the Sant'Ana Home

Photo: CM

They were offered temporary rehousing in a social shelter, a solution they refused.

Mother and son were residents in Vila Nova da Gaia until they were evicted from their home. They made a housing request to Matosinhos Habit, but they do not meet the necessary requirements for the attribution of a municipal house, since they are not residents of the municipality. In Matosinhos there are rules for the attribution of municipal houses and a waiting list that exceeds 1000 requests, many of which are also in precarious and urgent situations.

The family in question has also made an application to GaiUrb, the municipal housing company of Vila Nova de Gaia - and is being monitored by the Social Security services of Gaia, and did not attend the first meeting scheduled with the technician responsible for their case.

ADEIMA will continue to monitor the case and to make efforts to find a room that the family can rent while they wait for housing.


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