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Curricular Enrichment Activities include chess

Students from Matosinhos participated in chess workshops in the scope of Curricular Enrichment Activities

Students from the 1st cycle of basic education of Matosinhos schools had the opportunity to participate in chess workshops organized by the Portuguese Chess Federation, during the past week, under the Local Curriculum of Curricular Enrichment Activities (AEC).

It was five days with several thematic initiatives related to chess. Understanding and knowing 'the place of the pieces' was one of the actions developed. For some participants, the first contact with this admittedly important activity, for others, the consolidation of some knowledge that have been achieved by the chess workshops that the Municipality of Matosinhos has been developing for some years now as part of the AEC.

The Portuguese Chess Federation, founded on January 22, 1927, is a sports entity endowed with the status of public utility sport since 1993. It represents the chess sport in Portugal, and has the support of the Ministry, namely the Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth, in the promotion and development of national sports and in the participations in international organizations.

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