The Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism (EHTP) chose to mark this date on January 24th, International Education Day, with the launch of issue # 02 of the LOBBY magazine, a biannual magazine dedicated to the world of tourism, hospitality and catering, which this time brings a novelty

With the editorial by Luís Araújo, President of Turismo de Portugal, in this magazine designed and written by teachers, students and former students of EHTP, is introduced for the first time in this edition a new section specifically focused on the hotel unit featured on the cover of the magazine, through which you get to know better one of the hotel projects in the Porto region, including some of its particularities and challenges they had to face.
This work by the school community of the Porto School of Hospitality and Tourism aims to achieve an ambitious set of goals. According to Paulo Morais Vaz, director of the Oporto School of Hospitality and Tourism, "by making known the latest trends in the sector and addressing issues that despite their specificity, are sometimes of interest to the general public, is a way we have to not only strengthen the joint work of students and teachers, but also to make known our aggregate knowledge and skills.
Also according to Paulo Morais Vaz "by making our magazine available for free and digitally, we are demonstrating our openness to the professional community, as well as to the community in general, since despite being a public school we are also an organization with spaces that we want to and will promote with and for the mentioned publics".
As of today, all those who wish to access or obtain a copy of no. 02 of LOBBY, the magazine of the Oporto School of Hospitality and Tourism, can do so through the following links:
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