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Matosinhos presents inclusive projects

"+ Literacy" and "Inverse Inclusion" presented to 495 Educating Cities

The projects "+ Literacy" and "Inverse Inclusion", implemented by the Municipality of Matosinhos, were presented at the XVI International Congress of Educating Cities.

Concerned with the levels of qualification and training of the adult population, and its effects on the level of employability, the Municipality of Matosinhos and ADEIMA - Association for the Integrated Development of Matosinhos created in 2015 the project "+ Literacy".

Aimed at people over 18, illiterate or with very low literacy levels, this project aims to promote basic literacy - reading and writing, mathematical calculation, knowledge of the world, technological skills, and socio-cognitive development, with a view to professional (re)integration and an improvement in living conditions.

The "Inverse Inclusion" project covers the 1st cycle of basic education and its objective is the participation of students in projects aimed at people with disabilities, in order to benefit inclusion. Students are challenged to practice activities directed to children with disabilities and invited to take their place in the various activities proposed.

The XVI International Congress of Educating Cities took place in the Republic of Korea and brought together about two thousand people from 495 educating cities.

"Designing the Future in the City: Innovation, Tradition and Inclusion" was the theme of this event which sought to discuss and share good practices on how to build, from a holistic perspective, Sustainable Educating Cities, where past, present and future coexist.

The municipality of Matosinhos was represented by the Councillor for Education, António Correia Pinto, who presented the projects "+Literacy" and "Inverse Inclusion" to 35 countries participating in the congress.

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